Friday, May 23, 2008

7th payment SposnoredReviews: $ 7.80

SponsoredReviews is a site which you are paid (through paypal, click here and learn to make an account) to reviews of sites (also called Paid per reviews, or paid per blog also paid per post).

To participate you must send your blog to the site, and he should be accepted for who can sign up after issovocê (give its bid, how much you want for review) in the opportunities (and are MANY) available, and if your bid be accepted, you write the review, in accordance with the requests requested (number of words, links, etc.).

The reviews tend to be in English most of the time, unless it is specified that may be in another language.

Some minimal requirements for your blog be accepted (not all the requirements, but the most important) are:

* Your blog should count at least 10 posts with 200 words of unique content (nothing to copy the same post 10x)
* The "rate" of the contents of your blog must be at least 3:1 content unpaid to paid content.
* Your blog should complete all reviews accepted within 7 days.
* Your blog should have a minimum number of links (directed at him) and traffic, to be qualified.
* Your blog should have a professional appearance

To view the payment click on the screen and to sew register click on the banner:

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