Thursday, April 24, 2008

Credit Burner: Make money promoting sites

Credit Burner is a site that paid for ads promoting (PTP - Paid to Promote). Unlike other sites of gender, is a site well organized, with clear and easy interface information.

Credit Burner is one of those sites that offer many opportunities for you to make money. So you have different ways to make even more. Just choose the type of ad that fits more content of your site or blog. We will try to talk a little about them all. The two basic methods are:

Graphic: Graphical Banner Ads, Ads and PopUnder interstitial Ads (pay per CPM)

Contextuais: Context Ads, Link Ads, Ads Treasure (pay by CPC) and HVT System (despite contextual paid by CPM)

CPM means cost per impression, or you are paid in value by a quantity of views. CPC means cost per impression, or you are paid per click. This amount per click varies according to criteria set by Credit Burner.

The values of return vary with the levels. This is a criterion used to determine which countries have relevance for advertisers, or are worth more to the market. For us, the publishers, we will use the site to make money, that defines whether or not gain more. The Credit Burner advertisers divided into 2 levels. Check out the list:

Level 1: AT Austria, Australia AU, BE Belgium, Canada CA, CH Switzerland, CZ Czech Republic, of Germany, Denmark DK, ES Spain, EU European Union, Finland FI, FR France, United Kingdom GB, GR Greece, Ireland IE , IN India, Iceland IS, IT Italy, Monaco MC, NL Nedherlands, NO Norway, NZ New Zealand, Poland PL, PT Portugal, IF Sweden, U.S. United States of America.

Level 2: AE United Arab Emirates, AF Afghanistan, Albania AL, AR Argentina, SK Slovakia, AZ Azerbaijan, Bulgaria BG, BH Bahrain, BO Bolivia, Brazil BR, BY Belarus, Chile CL, CM Cameroon, Colombia CO, CY Cyprus, DZ Algeria, EC Acuador, EE Estonia, EG Egypt, Guatemala GT, HR Croatia, Hungary HU, IL Israel, KG Kyrgysztan, KW Kuwait, Liechtenstein LI, LU Luxembourgh, Latvia LV, MA Morocco, MX Mexico, Nigeria NG, NI Nicaragua , PE Peru, Romania RO, SR Saudi Arabia, Slovenia SI, TJ Tajikistan, Tunisia TN, TR Turkey, Ukraine AU.

Thus the value of clicks or impressions received depend on this list. The countries of the Level 1 always worth more than those of Level 2.


The values of pay as has been emphasized, vary with the levels. Below are figures for each type of announcement:

Graphical Banner Ads: from $ 0.75 to $ 1.10 (per thousand impressions)
PopUnder Ads: from $ 1.20 to $ 2.40 (per thousand impressions)
Interstitial Ads: from $ 1.00 to $ 6.00 (per thousand impressions)
HVT System: varies from $ 0.02 to $ 0.08 (per thousand impressions)
Context Ads, and Treasure Link Ads Ads: from $ 2.00 to $ 50.00

Finally, the Credit Burner still gives you a mãozinha, giving you a bonus of $ 0.35 at the time of registration. You may request payment by paypal or e-gold when it reaches $ 2.50, through a button in your user account. Another interesting factor is that the programme of affiliates paid 14% of earnings for each indicated. Do not waste time, click here or the banner below and you have your registration.

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